Buy Protonitazene Powder

What is Protonitazene Powder?

Protonitazene Powder is a good quality research chemical. buyers can purchase directly from us and purity are 99%. Protonitazene Powder for sale.

During the mid-1950s, attempts to develop better and safer opioid analgesics led to the discovery of a series of 2-benzylbenzimidazole compounds with levels of analgesic potency several orders of magnitude higher than that of morphine. This group of structurally distinct opioid analgesics includes isotonitazene. The subject of this technical report, as well as etonitazene and metonitazene which are closely related homologues, and clonitazene. Both
etonitazene and clonitazene are controll under the United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 (ECAPD, 1961; UNODC, 2019a) Although isotonitazene was first synthesised in the mid-1950s (Hoffmann et al., 1959; Hoffmann et al. 1960; Hunger et al., 1960b). No additional reports related to the substance could be found until its identification on the illicit drug market in 2019 (Blanckaert et al.,2020; EMCDDA, 2020a; Ujváry, 2020). what is protonitazene| protonitazene powder|protonitazene | buy protonitazene| protonitazene for sale | protonitazene buy | Buy Ketamine Crystal in Australia| buy alprazolam powder in Australia|designer benzodiazepines for sale | bromazolam online| fluclotizolam canada| research chemicals for sale| buy bendiazepines powders online|buy flualprazolam online | research chemical benzodiazepine| research chemicals online| chemical raw material suppliers | research chem supply

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In Europe, isotonitazene is monitor as a new psychoactive substance by the EMCDDA in accordance with Council Framework Decision 2004/757/JHA (as amended). And Regulation (EC) No 1920/2006 (as amended) (EMCDDA, 2020a). The substance has been available on the drug market in Europe since at least April 2019. As isotonitazene has only recently emerged on the drug market, there is limited information on the substance. In particular,
formal epidemiological studies have not been conducte, which limits understanding of the frequency and patterns of use of isotonitazene. As of 6 May 2020, isotonitazene is the only substance from the 2-benzylbenzimidazole series of opioid analgesics to be notified to the EMCDDA (1). Protonitazene Powder for sale.

Order Protonitazene Powder

As isotonitazene has only recently emerged on the drug market in Europe. It is important to note that its presence on the market and as the cause of serious adverse events (such as from acute poisonings presenting to hospital emergency rooms and medico-legal deathinvestigations).  An additional issue is that concentrations of isotonitazene in biological samples
are typically low to sub-nanogram per millilitre which highlights a need for increased analytical sensitivity when testing for the substance.